BLOG - All About Art  



By Viviana Suerez 

Yv, that's what his close friends called Yves Saint Laurent, fragile, genius, businessman, creator and icon of the 20th century. His life was magic and darkness and his self-destructive personality. The love for art led him to create masterful dresses. His collections and his contributions to fashion were and will be basic pieces of good dress, good taste and elegance.

He was the pioneer of the female tuxedo. He is a close friend of the Kaiser and Lagerfeld and a lover of diversity and lust. His homosexuality is accentuated more with the passing of the years. He never hid his sexual condition. His shy character made him discreet and elegant. The extremes of him make him the human being who falls and rises with force. His passion for painting, sculpture and jewelry makes him create wonderful pieces. The transparency of his talent and the sick desire to draw made him a free being. He was free and comfortable. His human pillar was the love of his messier Pierre Berge… friend and lover. Yves Henry Donat Mathieu Saint Laurent was born on August 1 in Algeria and died on August 1, 2008 at the age of 71 in Paris.


The Festival of Spanish cinema returns.

By Viviana Suerez 

On Saturday, February 12, the 36th edition of the Goya Awards takes place.


The setting for the seventh Spanish Art at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in spectacular Valencia, Spain. The Spanish red carpet. This year is much more special since we are together again after a pandemic that has marked a before and after.


What has never ceased is the passion for cinema. Among his protagonists I cite Fernando León, awarded for his career, dedication, and his enormous success in 1997 when he won a Goya. Names like Paco León also come to the fore. The great actor Catherine Blanchett puts the touch of glamor and trajectory of her celebrity, and her spectacular dress leaves a wing of simplicity and elegance.


José Sacristán is called to collect the Goya of Honour. Movies like the Paper House or Parallel Mothers are the favourite titles of critics.


The pandemic this time does not prevent Spanish cinema from continuing to grow. Berlanga y Centenario is another story that reflects the life and work of the pioneer of Spanish cinema. Titles like Mediterranean History of Survival and Strength sound... And of course, the great Winner Javier Bardem candidate for the Oscars takes home a Goya.


With this little article I want to say Long live Spanish Cinema!!!!



23-27 February Madrid vibrates again with exhibitions in its museums, art galleries and cultural centers.

One more year we launch cultural activities where you can discover the best leisure and culture plans in the city during the most important month of Spanish contemporary art.


My walk on the red carpet

By Viviana Suerez


My days at the Cannes festival. Wow! I have always been fascinated by France and one day in 2019, after spending some time in London, I decided to head to Nice with a simple idea, a big goal, to go live in Cannes, a small and glamorous city found on the French riviera.


Ok, I go to the accommodation facts? Hotel in Nice. After spending a season in London, I organize a flight London to Nice. I arrived in Nice an stayed in a small but funny hotel. That night I went alone for a walk around Nice and ended up having dinner at the restaurant of a Mr. Sicilian. My dinner is pasta with fruit of the sea. To know you must ask, I addressed the siciliano Cortez and Simcillo and asked if he knew of a study. Market stall. Or camping to live... What?!  I answer the extremely complicated Sicilian Cortez and simple. I wait for your call a couple of days. But my intuition and my unsick persistence would not make me give up.


Two days I received a call from Mr. Sicilian telling me what he knew about a small apartment in Cannes, no less than... Opss. Between fear and illusion, I gave my money... I picked up the remote to open my new home I leave all my savings and I arrived there with my poor French language... It was March 2019 the day I could not specify the apartment was perfect nice close to everything. Happiness was absolute. It was a wise mixture of emotions that was coming on top. Causes, consequences, experiences, events, parties with restricted access, challenges and of course the celebrities and my thing, fashion...


Time flies and the wonderful world festival of cinema begins, and I have a small connection to live the most beautiful experience of my life. Who was my connection? An egotistical photographer whose name I don't want to remember.  The city is decorated. I confess I was lost! The days go by, and the movie festival begins. Meeting point of all the characters including me the grand majestic hotel. The reception was a meeting point. Interviews, meetings, wine, and glamour. That year the film and the sensation were the life and work of master Elton John he was the star, and he should have won the long-awaited Palme d'or! 


Seeing that great movie and with my hair standing on end drafting this article, I corroborate that life is a huge roller coaster. I left the theatre after seeing the movie Rocket Man. Drenched in tears.


That was my time on the red carpet...

Let us not give up!!!

And long live the cinema!!!

Viviana Suarez Suarez

A charming designer

Viviana draws her inspiration from her own strength, from her struggle, from her strength. She never gives up and there is nothing stopping her from reaching her goals. Each of her jewels is a struggle, a challenge. She loves breathing stones, metals, natural, turquoise, futurism. She tries to mix rebellion with tradition.

"My parents and my family have been a fundamental part in the inspiration process," she explains. Her relationship with jewelry began in her native Colombia. Since she was little, she was fascinated by jewelry and design, which she continued to perfect until she became an adult. In her search for her "me" she has worked as a personal advisor and image coaching. In addition, she has a lot of experience as a makeup artist with certified studies in London, Milan, Rome and Madrid and with experience in various internationally important events.

Viviana aims to continue developing with different metals that provide strength to her jewelry. She refuses to follow fashions and try to break new, yet unexplored paths, but she is open to criticism that allows her positive development. “I await criticism as a lonely child awaits his imaginary friend. Observations or criticisms are risks, challenges, unexpected, but necessary to advance in the world of fashion ”.

Her jewelry reflects strength, dynamics and purity, like herself. Regardless of whether she wears them a man or a woman, her jewelry gleams; something worth wearing when you go out with your friends and hear the indescribable question; "And that jewel where did you get it?", And with pride to be able to say that it is from the designer Viviana Suarez.

You can visit her website or her Instagram account @vivisuarez78

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